Stuff 4 Kids
Below, you will find a carefully curated selection of free offers related to this category. The "Featured Freebie" items are some that we consider to be the most compelling available, but there are also a number of gems to be found within the related links that follow. If you come across any broken links or would like to suggest a new listing, please contact us using the email link at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
- If you are currently home-schooling your young child(ren), or looking to enhance their educational experience by complementing their traditional classroom experience with an online component, this site is well worth a look. offers a full online curriculum for children aged 2-8, covering topics such as Mathematics, Reading, Science and Art. They're currently looking to introduce the service to new families by offering a free, 30-day trial of the platform. If you think this would work well to enhance your youngster's educational experience, this offer is available to anyone based within the United States.
- Although obviously geared towards Christmas, this site contains a wealth of activities and resources that can be used all-year-around to keep the child(ren) in your life entertained. Most notably, the site contains a selection of Christmas coloring pages, and craft ideas - some of which have video tutorials available to walk you through the process of creating with your youngster(s).
Bry-Back Manor
- This site contains 270 free activity pages for kids, along with holiday craft ideas, garden fun, free images for use in crafting digital creations and much more.