Books and eBooks
Below, you will find a carefully curated selection of free offers related to this category. The "Featured Freebie" items are some that we consider to be the most compelling available, but there are also a number of gems to be found within the related links that follow. If you come across any broken links or would like to suggest a new listing, please contact us using the email link at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
Featured Freebies
- Discover a treasure trove of history at Diary File, where timeless tales unfold through diaries and letters of the past. Dive deep into personal chronicles from Titanic passengers, experience the raw emotions of wartime diaries, swoon over romantic musings, and step behind the scenes with letters from iconic celebrities. Step back in time and immerse yourself in the intimate reflections that have shaped our world. Every page invites you on a journey through time, unearthing stories that have remained whispered for generations. Oh, and everything on the site is available to read for free.
- While not technically a book, Poetry.com.au is dubbed the "Internet Poetry Archive" for good reason. It contains one of the biggest archives of classic poetry and one of the finest collections of unpublished poetic works on the net! Chock-full of inspiration, a quick browse of this site is bound to have you seeing the world in a different light.
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